Sunnie was so cute and had thoughtfully arranged for us to sit at a table with all other English teachers. Therefore, we had plenty of other people to talk to. This is me posing with the English teachers' table name card. :)

Weddings are also something like a fashion show. The bride wears three different outfits throughout the ceremony, each with separate hairstyles and jewelry/accessories, as well as matching components on the groom. Vincent was adorable throughout the whole affair, by the way. :) So the banquet started off with Sunnie and Vincent walking in, while we all shot off streamers from firecrackers. Then they jointly poured the champagne into a pyramid of champagne glasses (symbolizing their new life together?) before turning to cut the cake (which turns out was not even a real cake - just designed for the picture...).

After mingling for a bit and sitting down for all of ten minutes to eat a few of the multiple dozens of courses, the happy couple disappeared to change for their next entrance. This time they walked in carrying balloons, which they passed out walking around the room (my guess at symbolism: spreading the love and joy of getting married?). This second outfit is also used for proposing each of the toasts as the couple walks around to each of the separate tables to greet guests.
The third outfit is the receiving line dress. As guests filter out of the banquet,

She's in turquoise for her receiving line dress! As it should be; the fashion show would be incomplete without the color deemed by the fashion world as THE color for 2010.